About Us
Citabria Australian Shepherds is a small hobby kennel located in Texas that occasionally breeds, but primarily focuses on improving and caring for this wonderful breed. I have always loved dog sports and the excitement of competition. I adopted Rex, my first dog in college, with the hope of training him to be the next agility world team contender - well, that didn't turn out! Rex received a few novice agility titles, but much prefers spending his days as a couch potato. In 2011, I purchased my first Australian Shepherd and I haven't looked back! We believe the Australian Shepherd is a versatile, biddable breed and work to promote that while showcasing their talent in herding, agility, rally, obedience, dock diving, and conformation. We follow the ASCA breed standard and whole heartedly believe that "First and foremost, the Australian Shepherd is a true working stockdog, and anything that detracts from his usefulness as such is undesirable. The most important breed characteristics are overall moderation in size and bone, balance with correct proportions, and sound movement." |
Why Citabria? |
The name Citabria (pronouned SIT-AH-BRE-UH) was inspired by James' hobby of flying airplanes. A Citabria is a type of airplane known as a taildragger. James loves these planes because they are more challenging to fly and evoke a more exhilarating response. Much like a Citabria aircraft, our aussies soar with graceful and easy movement. They too, require a dedicated and skilled "pilot." Basically, the name is just a fun combination of both of our hobbies!